Disposal of empty insulin pens

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  • 21st April 2019 at 8:43 am #469726

    I have a container for all sharps which when full take to my pharmacy but what do I do with the empty ‘pens’?  If I can just dispose of them in the rubbish do I put it in the sack for plastic?

    Thanks for any help


    21st April 2019 at 11:46 pm #469944

    Recycling (sack for plastic) could be different from one place to another. For exemple where I live I can put nearly everything which is packaging in them. Whereas where I work, it is much more selective (no polystyrene etc…). Maybe the best thing would be to ask your pharmacy ?

    On this website fédération des diabétiques , they are saying :

    “Seul le matériel piquant, coupant ou perforant doit être collecté dans des containers; les déchets dits “mous” pouvant être jetés avec les déchets ménagers dans la poubelle.”

    Only sharp, cutting or perforating material should be collected in containers; so-called “soft” waste can be disposed of with household waste in the bin.

    22nd April 2019 at 9:09 am #469961

    Morning Babeth, thanks for reply.  I have to say that our recycling is chaotic.  We used to have blue bags for paper etc, yellow for plastic and I thought for polystyrene, and black for normal household.  Now we have yellow for paper, card, plastic etc and black for HH.  Then the last delivery was for normal black and guess what – a different shade of blue for something – no yellows delivered.  Think a walk to mairie is needed and to be sure will take ‘pen’ with me and ask what bag is for what.


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