We all deserve a treat for Christmas

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  • 20th December 2020 at 8:20 am #540163

    Well surprise, surprise people are drinking more than in the first lockdown according to the news this morning. Yes they are actually drinking more than 6 units a week!

    I thought that was the daily limit and some days it isn’t even that.

    I need some release from this nightmare and I am sure I am not alone. My limit is I don’t have a drink before 17.00.   :unsure:

    20th December 2020 at 8:29 am #540164

    I don’t usually drink ..but even I have been persuaded to have the occasional glass.

    Whatever it takes to get you through…within reason.

    We still don’t have tv connection …Orange forgot the decoder….we have watched the news and Netflix snuggled  up in bed…

    It’s needs must…

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