Planning a weekly menu

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  • 17th July 2021 at 8:45 am #555264

    From time to time I get stuck in a rut with what to cook, MOH mentions he liked a certain dish and poor devil he’s eating forever! I have looked online but most of the recipes are American and I would like more French as it’s easier to source. I do have French cookbooks but they are aimed at fine dining.

    17th July 2021 at 9:06 am #555268

    Planning for a whole week – I find it hard enough to plan beyond the next meal. Having said that a few days ago I made a delicious pheasant stew in my traditional French cocotte. More than enough for a week, but of course it will not be eaten every day. Most of it was frozen in individual containers. I plan most meals when I start feeling hungry.

    17th July 2021 at 9:31 am #555276

    Don’t forget that the Americans didn’t discover cooking , they took it with them from Europe.

    We eat what is in the garden at the time that it is ready to pick and  freeze uneaten food for a next meal , so our menu is quite easy to plan. :-)

    Pheasant, Abi K ?  roadkill or shot ?

    17th July 2021 at 10:10 am #555280

    I love reading cookery books and recipes..but rarely follow them.

    i get ideas…then go off piste.

    I ve always found cooking a pleasure .

    Sometimes the simplest things are the best…I don’t ever go to a shop with a preconceived idea of what to buy…I look at what’s in season..reasonable..

    on offer…I don’t buy things that are out of season.

    We,re not gardeners…so we content ourselves with seasonal fruit and vegetables.

    today….stuffed red peppers…

    17th July 2021 at 10:16 am #555281

    Rusty, have you tried sites like

    I like to have a meal plan for the week. We are both in and out at different times and as we cook almost all of our own food we need to be organised. Thank goodness we have a freezer!


    17th July 2021 at 10:17 am #555283

    As you all know , we are gardeners , I hate to say this Marmite but red peppers are not in season yet . :-)

    I think what you mean is that you cook with what is on offer in the shop .

    17th July 2021 at 10:22 am #555285

    Deboer..they are in season in Lidl and grande frais…

    trust you to catch me out….maybe I should have said plentiful..?

    I grew radishes once …we ate hundreds…they all got big at the same time.

    I must have one talent you don’t have…..I,ll go back to bed and think about it.

    enjoy your weekend!hope Jens knee is improving! :yes:

    17th July 2021 at 10:36 am #555287

    Jen’s knee is slowly getting better , thank you for asking , she cycles in the front room at least 5 km per day and walks 2km round our valley with the dog.

    Grande Frais has most vegetables most of the year , from one source or another . A lot are flown in , I was amazed to see mangetout from Kenya last week . This time of year the peppers are “plentiful “, they come mostly from Spanish tunnels and are picked by emigrants (a lot illegal ), that is why they are so cheap.

    Not pointing fingers , just giving info. :yes: :yes:


    17th July 2021 at 11:17 am #555291

    Any recipe for courgettes ? I’ve done them in gratin, stuffed, soup, in foiled on the BBQ, going to try them in coconut milk with curry but they are still coming in great numbers …


    Rusty, you can find this kind of website that can help :

    17th July 2021 at 11:35 am #555293

    Ah the good old courgette dilemma ….

    I make it a rule never to have more than two plants of different types and even then we struggle!!!!

    17th July 2021 at 11:38 am #555294

    Thank you Officer Crabtree, we’ve got two plants. I like to have two in case one doesn’t work, but they are both a complete success this year …. so you know what I feel :rose:

    17th July 2021 at 11:43 am #555295

    Are they in season?i,m afraid to ask

    i have a great courgette cake recipe…but only if they are in season.?

    grated in a quiche

    grated like potato gratin…fried

    japanese tempura…delicious for courgettes and their flowers…

    i could go on….but I,ll let you digest those first.


    17th July 2021 at 11:59 am #555297

    I always make Irish Courgette chutney ….. delicious!

    Irish Marrow Chutney – Carrickknowe Allotment (

    17th July 2021 at 1:09 pm #555301

    Are they in season?i,m afraid to ask i have a great courgette cake recipe…but only if they are in season.? grated in a quiche grated like potato gratin…fried japanese tempura…delicious for courgettes and their flowers… i could go on….but I,ll let you digest those first.

    Of course they are in season , that is why us gardeners have so many ! Simples :yes: :yes:

    17th July 2021 at 1:13 pm #555302

    Any recipe for courgettes ? I’ve done them in gratin, stuffed, soup, in foiled on the BBQ, going to try them in coconut milk with curry but they are still coming in great numbers … Rusty, you can find this kind of website that can help :

    We have piles too , just two plants , cut ’em small ,slice, parsley, garlic,olive oil then under the grill as starter.

    17th July 2021 at 2:40 pm #555315

    Slice season and saute.

    On the original subject I only plan for a week or more if at sea.

    Even if we were having guests for dinner I would not know the dish we were preparing until I knew what we had caught or bought.

    Even now I go to the market buy a lovely fish and work out the menu depending on the freshest fruit and veg at the market. Its one of my favourite things to do.

    This week we have had entire meals with our own produce, including Quail, Trout and courgettes.

    17th July 2021 at 3:03 pm #555323

    Pheasant, Abi K ?  roadkill or shot ?

    Un cadeau. Shot by a friend who gave it to me. It had been in the freezer for a long time, so I thought it was time to cook it.

    On the subject of courgettes, I find one plant sufficient, but have two in pots and a third in the garden. I usually finish up giving them away to friends who haven’t already been given some. People like that can sometimes be hard to find.

    17th July 2021 at 3:05 pm #555325

    Why did my last post quote me, when I actually quoted Deboer? Strange goings-on.

    17th July 2021 at 3:11 pm #555327

    Confessions…I actually purchased two courgette plants…they have disappeared…


    17th July 2021 at 3:20 pm #555329

    Make sure they have enought strong leaves before planting them Marmite, I’ve made the mistake before, the first new one are so tender for a slug point of view

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