No justice!

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  • 27th May 2022 at 2:11 pm #569108

    As Mr. F. was type two diabetic I kept us on a strict low sugar diet, once he’d passed away I thought ‘Yes!’ I need not be quite so strict now – wrong! Routine blood test results my GP said were very impressive, everything excellent – Except the sugar!!! Pre-diabetic I’m told. I’m sure Mr. F is laughing his blooming socks off!

    Speaking to someone else about the this she said she was too and several of her friends also, is it because the medical profession are just being more prudent now I wonder?

    27th May 2022 at 2:38 pm #569110

    For over 20 years or so  in UK I was told I was borderline diabetic and pre diabetic as is my brother.

    When I arrived in France and registered with a Doctor he explained there is no such thing. You are either diabetic or you aren’t and I’m not. Touch wood.

    27th May 2022 at 2:55 pm #569111

    Well, I’ve always maintained that too Bonjour!

    I shall carry on as I always did with Mr. F. its a diet I’m used to anyway!

    27th May 2022 at 7:26 pm #569128

    In the UK the Hb1AC is used as the measure of how your blood sugar has been ‘behaving itself ‘ for a few months at a certain level you are considered pre diabetic. I know America does it differently,I’m not sure about France. To my mind the ‘pre diabetes ‘ idea isn’t a bad one as it does give you the opportunity to make a few lifestyle changes and choices but obviously everyone is individual

    27th May 2022 at 8:26 pm #569129

    what is Hb1AC please Cassie?

    28th May 2022 at 8:24 am #569144

    Thank you for that Cossie.

    28th May 2022 at 8:43 am #569149

    Target level in France for type 2 is about the same as quoted on your link for UK Cossie, Mr F used to run at about 6.5 – 7, it was acceptable.

    28th May 2022 at 9:25 am #569165

    I was diagnosed type 2 diabetic a couple of years ago with a reading of 12.4. It should be below 7. With the help of some medication and a change of diet I got it down to 5.5 and have managed to get off most of the medication. My last test came back 6.5 which I think is judged pre-diabetic so I have to continue resisting temptation. I test my blood/sugar every morning when I first get up and adjust my diet accordingly.

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