Never Ending Rain

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  • 2nd April 2024 at 3:11 pm #597913

    I dont often moan about the weather but its starting to get me rather peed off is it ever going to stop raining and warm up a bit ??? not sure how this weather will fit in with the global warming brigade though I am sure they will come up with some wierd and wonderful explanation that its our fault for driving or breathing.

    good job this forum isnt in scotland talking about the weather and global warming may fall under the new scottish hate crime laws!!

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    2nd April 2024 at 6:17 pm #597914

    Don’t worry…you’ll soon be able to moan about the heat…the drought…the lack of rain.

    we’re English…moaning about the weather…but getting on with it is in our blood!

    The first year we were here ,25 years ago….it started raining in September and didn’t stop until march…or so it seemed.

    I love the weather…I like it to be variable…years ago I was camping in Spain for 2months….i got so fed up with the constantly blue skies…I yearned for a good storm…I wasn’t disappointed…one came …washed away lots of tents..ours stood…just but our blow up mattresses were floating around the tent during the night…with us on them.

    3rd April 2024 at 8:16 am #597919

    I do find the winters here very depressing and every year they get longer and wetter. It started raining here in October and apart from a couple of weeks in January when it was freezing cold, it has rained pretty much everyday since. It isn’t just the incessant rain but the darkness that comes with it. Most older French properties have quite small windows and I need my lights on all day every day, it is too dark without to do anything. The area outside my barn is just a sea of mud and everything outside like gates and fences either rots or rusts. I look at the long term forecast and all I see is rain, rain and more rain. It is not a good time or a good place to be. :-)

    3rd April 2024 at 8:40 am #597920

    Sounds as if you should move further south….but you need to go a long way to get a change.

    weather is important to your well being…but it’s not the only criteria.

    Looking at the French weather at the moment…Chinon …where we visited a few weeks ago…flooded…as are many areas in France .

    Hate to say it but the weather is pretty crappy everywhere .

    We went south one winter ,7 years ago….to the Herault…rented an apartment for 4 months…thinking the weather would be better…the Transmontana…wind was so bitterly cold…it was also relentless…it sweeps off the Pyrenees…wonderfully cooling in the summer….icy in the winter,

    It was bright…sunny but extremely cold.

    We fled back to Normandy and our well insulated house a month early.

    The days are changing now…longer ..brighter ..winter is behind us…hold on…your garden needs you …You can’t escape the weather…embrace the wet days as an excuse to  read…create…plan.


    3rd April 2024 at 9:06 am #597923

    Does seem relentless at the moment.

    3rd April 2024 at 9:33 am #597924

    South of the Loire there is a lot of flooding …the peak is not yet passed…so if you’re not thankful.

    Calais area earlier this year …floods

    looking at the weather predictions on line ..temperature expected to rise end of the’s spring…the birds are singing.

    come on….a bit of optimism…we’re British…used to the weather!

    just watching the French news…they are describing the rain as phenomenal…unprecedented.

    Tonerre …the river Yonne…

    Montbard côté d’or …flooded..

    If you’re not actually flooded you’ve done well….the optimistic way of looking at it.

    I must confess…when we moved three years ago …it was in our minds…live on a hill!

    it’s going up to 30c on Saturday….in Paris!

    3rd April 2024 at 10:18 am #597925

    “it’s going up to 30c on Saturday….in Paris!”

    More media generated climate fear porn.

    Ventusky forecasts 23c not 30c – we’ll see :unsure:


    3rd April 2024 at 10:27 am #597926

    I’m not saying it’s true!but it’s what they were saying half an hour ago on the météo on French news.

    The météo seems to be all over the place!

    3rd April 2024 at 11:15 am #597928

    I’m not saying it’s true!but it’s what they were saying half an hour ago on the météo on French news.

    The météo seems to be all over the place!

    Meteo France along with the UK Met Office are unfortunately not to be relied on any more.

    Meteo’s forecasts are being generated by AI -without adult supervision, and…

    “Nearly one in three (29.2%) U.K. Met Office temperature measuring stations have an internationally-defined margin of error of up to 5°C”

    By their own admission – following a freedom of information request.

    Met Office Temperature Network Is Junk

    Ventusky, Accuweather and Time & Date seem to be ok at the moment.


    3rd April 2024 at 12:03 pm #597929

    My weather forecast is absolutely spot on – I look out the window as soon as it’s light, tells me all I want to know!

    Seriously I find it’s the only reliable way, I look to see which direction it’s coming from & judge the rest of the day from that. I must say though that the local forecast that comes up on my phone is usually pretty accurate.

    3rd April 2024 at 12:54 pm #597934

    I look out of my kitchen window and if I can see the tree line on the other side of the field it is going to rain. If I can’t it already is. Simples :yes:

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    3rd April 2024 at 2:14 pm #597941

    The suns shining here ,MM off into the garden…It’s April….expect showers…

    As for the temperature….lets see what happens…one thing is sure…it’s heating up!

    even on my weather forecast site on safari…it says 26c for Paris on Saturday.

    No rain here after tomorrow…for the next 6 days.

    As fruitcake says…look out of the window…sniff the air…then ignore it!

    at least we’re not in Taiwan worrying about the earthquake ….and tsunamis.

    4th April 2024 at 8:27 am #597962

    It’s El Niño…long explanation on BMTV this morning…still saying Paris very warm this weekend.

    predicting a canicule…heatwave…June ,July. August….not so good for the Olympics…

    enjoy the cool and rain whilst you can!

    4th April 2024 at 9:37 am #597971

    Yet again when I fired up my PC, news flashes warn of the terrible snow that is coming to the UK, it’s been supposedly coming for the last month I think! :wacko:   Haven’t seen any snow in my neck of the woods for a couple of years so I don’t know where it goes, certainly not here.

    4th April 2024 at 2:45 pm #597983

    Storm Kathleen is hitting the Uk tomorrow…

    4th April 2024 at 4:57 pm #597988

    It’s supposed to hit the West first so will probably have fizzled out a bit if and when it gets to us over on the East. It will be what it will be. :unsure:   Wait and see what happens.

    4th April 2024 at 6:33 pm #597991

    Biarritz…28 c today….

    Normandy …showers…warm ish…


    5th April 2024 at 9:07 am #598000

    Still raining…but certainly warmer…MM shut the heating!

    13th April 2024 at 8:40 am #598220

    No ones talking about the beautiful weather! All too busy enjoying it!

    we are expecting 25/6 c today….along with the whole of France.

    Next week…….dont ask!just don’t put your jumpers away!

    13th April 2024 at 10:48 am #598221

    Typical April weather, sunshine and showers a few days ago, lovely long & sunny spring days now, but the adage that’s as old as the hills of ‘ne’er cast a clout till May is out’ is worth remembering. Best to just take each day as it comes and make the most of the sunshine when it’s here.

    If it’s fine I’m outdoors & the indoor jobs get left, if it’s not then  the indoor jobs get done :good:

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