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  • 22nd March 2018 at 7:27 pm #362010

    I had a few random emails,purporting to be from an American ,very decorated army officer.These were in reply to my advert on Christianmingle,an American dating site.I was gorgeous,and these men couldn’t wait to “make my acquaintance “.The email addresses were similar,as were the names.They all came with a photograph of this dishy bloke.Now I have never subscribed to Christianmingle.Have not been to America,and was not,and am not in the market for a new man. It was weird. Christianmingle didn’t want to know when I complained.After a bit of research ,I discover that the Officer was used,frequently,as a cover for men trying to scam women on dating sites.It was all a bit disappointing to realise that unknown men didn’t find me adorable.

    26th March 2018 at 6:35 pm #366318

    @Tizzler, you may find some tips in this :good:

    9th September 2018 at 10:44 am #407947

    This seems ok;


    Dear Friend,

    I am Mr. (Gilbert Williams Frost) . I am a US citizen, 66 years
    Old. I reside here in Centreville Virginia U.S.A. My residential
    address is as follows.14852
    Rock Landing Court Centreville Virginia 20121 United States and
    my email address is ([email protected]) and my telephone
    number is +1(720)599-5329

    you can call me or send me a  text message and i will respond
    back to you.

    I am one of those that fall victims to scammers in Africa two
    years ago. I have lost over US$100,000.00 for the past years
    while in the USA. I was trying to

    get my payment all to no avail. And they always stopped my funds
    with one reason or the order. So I decided to travel with my Son
    to WASHINGTON D.C with all

    documents, there the (FBI) was amazed and contacted the Nigeria
    embassy in the USA. After some hours in that office, I was asked
    by the FBI officer to come

    back the next week.

    When I did the FBI officer gave me the contact of one Mrs. Maria
    Farnandez who is a representative of the (FBI) and a member of
    the compensation award

    committee, currently in Nigeria. And when I contacted her she
    explained everything to me. She said whoever is contacting us
    through emails are fake that I

    should fly down to Nigeria to see things for myself which I did
    and she took me to the paying bank for the claim of my
    compensation payment.

    This was paid to me successfully. Right now I am the happiest man
    on earth because I have finally received my compensation funds of

    Moreover, Mrs. Maria Farnandez showed me the full Information of
    those that are yet to receive their compensation funds and this
    was how I came across only

    your email address and your full name.

    The only Money I paid after I meet with Mrs. Maria Farnandez was
    just $550.00 (Five Hundred & Fifty Dollars) for the ownership
    paper works. So I am advising

    you to contact Mrs. Maria Farnandez through her email address
    ([email protected]) for your own money including the money
    you please take it very


    Please contact her and send your telephone number and your
    residential address to her so that she can release your own money
    to you.

    Thank you & God bless you.

    Mr.gilbert williams frost .
    14852 Rock Landing Court, Centreville
    Virginia 20121 United States

    9th September 2018 at 11:09 am #407967

    It’s surprising how many (FBI) representatives have email addresses with, obviously the FBI’s own email system is too corrupt! I would strong advise you to make such contact straightaway, it can only be in your best interests, Honourable Friend.

    9th September 2018 at 11:32 am #407975

    Well, clearly the best way to get back my $100,000 I lost to African scammers is to send another $550 to another African scammer. Makes total sense.

    9th September 2018 at 12:13 pm #407989

    An apposite image.

    9th September 2018 at 12:15 pm #407993

    Scarily convincing…. :yes:


    9th September 2018 at 12:20 pm #407996

    When you read that, Jazzy, you have to wonder just how stupid are the people who actually click on the link and follow it through.

    9th September 2018 at 12:41 pm #408003

    I made an extremely honest and good offer, a few months ago, but what amazes me is no one responded or even took up my genuine offer, I can not see why, so for the last time I am making this offer exclusively to you, be quick this offer is limited and time sensitive as I hope to be going to the Costa’s very soon. just take a minute to send me your bank and card details, and I will take care of the rest.

    9th September 2018 at 1:44 pm #408011

    In amongst all these clumsy attempts at scamming the innocent here is a warning from an IT pro on another forum.

    The background is the recent British Airways hacking of customer accounts and the information that BA outsourced it’s IT operation

    “Yes it was and I was one of the staff who lost their job. It was outsourced to TATA in Chennai, India. Since then there have been a number of IT failures but the management who were responsible for the outsourcing (and are still there) continue to put out the line that the outsourcing is not responsible. I’ve seen reports of staff in callcentres and IT service centres in 3rd world countries who are selling customer data to criminal entities. I have just moved my phone/broadband service and it turns out the new provider outsources their support to India. I am now receiving an average of 5 calls per day from scammers reporting that my broadband/pc/router/tablet/phone has a problem that they can fix remotely. The last call today was from a woman with a sub-continent accent (with callcentre noise in the background) claiming to be from the Telephone Preference Group( note not Telephone Preference Service – the correct organisation) asking for personal/financial details. As I ported my number over from my previous supplier and have been a subscriber to TPS for years I’m pretty sure it is not coincidence that I’m now known to an Indian callcentre and am receiving these calls.”

    My personal experience is similar. I ordered some motorcycle spare parts from a large well known UK company a year or so ago. I couldn’t get their website to accept my details so had to order it by phone, giving my credit card details verbally to somebody called Ahmed or Ahan or similar .

    A day or so later I had the credit card company on the phone and email warning warning me that my card had been involved in several attempts at extracting money from cash machines in the UK – very difficult to do as my card was in my wallet in Brittany – fortunate that they didn’t know the passcode and were trying their luck on a random basis using the card number.

    I’m not saying they are all at it but just beware.

    I complained to the managing director and got the usual “all our staff are highly trained and reliable” etc blahblah.

    So – avoid telephone ordering using your credit card – the number has to be written down somewhere, ordering via a website doesn’t make your card number known to employees.

    9th September 2018 at 2:11 pm #408016

    I like most people, I try to keep m card details confidential, however, there are times when I need to order items by telephone, so I have a separate credit card for this very purpose, I contacted the c/c company and had my limit reduce to 250gbp and gave instructions that they must not under any circumstances authorise any payment that exceeded that limit, seems to have worked well,for larger purchases I use a different credit card,but I never use my debit cards for online transactions. I am sure some clever person could find a way around this, but so far so good.

    9th September 2018 at 2:28 pm #408024

    A scam my son was telling me about, is when you buy something online, pay for it, then you receive a tracking number, so you sit back and wait, it doesn’t arrive so you wait a little longer, still doesn’t arrive, so you contact the courier company ie Royal Mail,they carry out a search and confirm it has been delivered and signed for,you then ask who signed for it and the delivery address,but there’s the rub, as you are not their customer they say under the data protection laws the can’t tell you, so no package and you are out of pocket, you complain to eBay, Amazon etc, they check and confirm the item has been delivered, so no money back, why does it show it has been delivered, simple, the seller post as worthless package to an address it is delivered signed for,so it shows when you open a not received case, that it has been delivered.

    11th September 2018 at 5:42 pm #408579

    Why would any scammer think that a trained killer would be an appropriate match. It just shows how times have changed

    14th December 2018 at 3:00 pm #438964

    Surely this time has to be my lucky one………


    Dear Beneficiary,

    This notification message is from the Federal Reserve Dallas
    District, Your name is enlisted among the beneficiary whose fund
    is approved for payment, by the Board of Governors of Federal
    Reserve Bank, and we have been waiting for you to contact us for
    your unclaimed funds of $ 56 Million dollar, but to our
    surprise one regie Billingsley came forward for the fund, that,
    you asked her to claim the fund on your behalf with documentary
    evidence which we are not sure of it source.This was why we
    decided to contact you to confirm to us if you really sent Regie
    Billingsley. I discovered your file not attend to for payment for
    2 years now.Maybe you have be dealing with wrong people or
    imposter that is why you have not claim  your fund.Confirm to us
    if you are still alive.

    I will advertise to the below account details. I will advise that
    you change your email password, because your email is be used to
    write to us, but because of the name on the file as beneficiary
    is different from Regie Billingsley,you should confirm to us your
    full legal name before will proceed with you.Below was the
    account provided to us.

    Bank name: Wells Fargo Bank
    Address: 245 N Main St. Canton Illinois 61520
    Account name: Regie Billingsley
    Address, 20206 Hickory School Road, Industry, Illinois 61440
    Routing # 071101307
    Account # 8622062902

    Most importantly, confirm to us urgently if you gave permission
    to Regie Billingsley to claim the fund on your behalf and if case
    you did not authorize anybody, then, You will have to stop
    Communicating With The Impersonators And The Organisations,
    Because They Are Trying To Divert Your Fund To Themselves. She
    Tries, So Hard To Change The Fund Ownership To Her Name. We Await
    Your Prompt Response,

    We Will Direct You To Any Of Our Payment Centre Close You And You
    Will Go There In Person and sign the final documents For The

    Yours in Service

    Robert Steven Kaplan

    14th December 2018 at 5:39 pm #438972

    Don’t you just love their manipulation of the English language? And all the capital letters in the last 2 paragraphs really do make it credible.

    15th December 2018 at 9:55 am #439040

    I love the name Regie Billingsley!

    7th February 2019 at 7:06 am #455144

    This has to be the one, she’s prayed over my email address and everything. If God is involved it has to be good……doesn’t it?



    My Beloved In The Lord.

    Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am Mrs Elizabeth A. Johnson from Bahrain, a widow to late Dr. A. Johnson . l am 51 years old and a coveted born again Christian, suffering from long time cancer of the breast, from all indication my condition is really deteriorating and it is quite obvious that I might not live more than two (2) months, according to my doctor because the cancer has gotten to a very worst / dangerous stage.

    My late husband and my only child died last five years ago, his death was politically motivated. My late husband was a very rich and wealthy business man who was running his Gold/Diamond Business here in South Africa. After his death, I inherited all his business and wealth. My doctors has advised me that I may not live for more than two (2) months, so I now decided to divide the part of this wealth, to contribute to the development of the church in Africa, America, Asia, and Europe. I collected your email address during my desperate search on the internet and I prayed over it.

    I decided to donate the sum of $5,600,000.00 USD (Five Million Six hundred thousand United States dollars) to the less privileged because I cannot take this money to the grave. Please I want you to note that this fund is lodged in a bank here in South Africa.

    Once I hear from you, I will forward to you all the information’s you will use to get this fund released from the bank and to be transferred to your bank account. I honestly pray that this money when transferred to you will be used for the said purpose because l has come to find out that wealth acquisition without Christ is vanity. May the grace of our lord Jesus the love of God and the fellowship of God be with you and your family.

    Reply me on my private email address ([email protected])

    Thanks and God bless you.
    Your beloved sister in Christ.
    Mrs. Elizabeth Anna Johnson

    7th February 2019 at 9:27 am #455153

    Talk about taking the Lord’s name in vain! However did she know you were among the less privileged T?

    7th February 2019 at 12:39 pm #455189

    Yes, definitely, GOOD GOD!!

    7th February 2019 at 12:48 pm #455195

    And since when has Bahrain been in South Africa?

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