HELP please before it goes out the window !!

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  • 3rd March 2017 at 1:01 pm #124116

    I  have a desktop  HP XP   computer  which (touch wood  ) is old  but running fine  – it  is a french keybord  and screen.    I also have a laptop which runs Windows 7 in English.  The neccesity  for the laptop is that the desktop  is too old to recognise my HP  Envy printer    so  I send anything that I have to print online to the laptop.    I have  a Dlink router  which is working fine  on the desktop , and the printer  but  has dissapeared completely from the lap top. I get  the message  ‘windows cannot connect to the network’ or  ‘unidentidied network’

    I have tried everything  I can think of  but not being avery competant PC   wizard  I am reluctant to  disconnect anything/everything  in case I loose what is  working fine on the XP   –  any advise  (not too technical though )  greatly appreciated


    Thankyou :scratch:

    3rd March 2017 at 1:57 pm #124125

    I’m guessing that the old HP and printer connect by cable and the lappy by WiFi. If this is the case try connecting the lappy by cable also check the wifi is switched on on the router.

    3rd March 2017 at 2:19 pm #124129

    So yes the XP   is connecteed by cable  and   the flashing blue  light on the  ‘lappy’ and the  printer tells me the router is working  – s o without appearing to be a total wally  what am I going to connect the lappy to  by cable ?

    3rd March 2017 at 5:15 pm #124220

    laptop to the router.

    4th March 2017 at 8:54 am #124395

    I’m a bit confused too as the HP website has XP drivers for most Envy printer models.

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