Facebook disabled my account this morning…

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  • 27th May 2017 at 2:18 pm #155343

    ….and I have absolutely NO idea why. :scratch:  I haven’t done anything out of the ordinary.  I am just unable to log in and get a pop up box saying my account is disabled.  :cry:

    The weird thing is that they wont let me appeal against it/contact them without first uploading proof of ID (which I never had to give when I first registered 8 or so years ago) driving licence passport etc. I’m very security conscious and feel uneasy doing this, but cant find any telephone number for them to confirm that this is genuine.  :-(

    You would have thought they would have at least sent me an email of explanation or warning, but nothing :unsure:  . Has anyone else had similar problems or would anyone have a contact telephone or email for them?

    27th May 2017 at 2:31 pm #155364

    Well that’s a bit mean! Panacea  :negative:

    27th May 2017 at 2:50 pm #155397

    Yes it is. I use it to keep in touch my family in the UK   :cry: . FB is a victim of its own success-grown too big to care about individuals now.  A sign of all that is wrong with the world imo. Back to emails I suppose. I don’t give in to bullying  :negative:

    27th May 2017 at 2:58 pm #155399

    Can you change your password and sign in that way?  Panacea

    27th May 2017 at 3:10 pm #155403

    No, because you cant change your password unless you are logged on in the first place. :negative:

    27th May 2017 at 3:26 pm #155405

    Ah. Difficult! How very odd, that you have been banned! Is it possible for you to use your partners account? If you have one ?

    27th May 2017 at 6:03 pm #155457

    Have you followed the steps in this article?

    27th May 2017 at 6:08 pm #155467

    Its usually because the account holder has broken the terms and conditions. Its possible someone has hacked your account and been using it without your knowledge, logging in as you. Plenty of info on the net. My daughter had hers hacked and I had my gmail hacked.

    27th May 2017 at 6:20 pm #155477

    VK that’s a very helpful article , I hope it helps Panacea  :rose:

    27th May 2017 at 6:23 pm #155481

    You need to separate the 2 issues

    Why your account was disactivated ………………  you’ll probably never get a definitive answer


    How to get it reactiveated ……………… it really doesn’t matter why it was disactivated you’ll still have to jump through their hoops to get it back and providing photo-ID is now a pretty standard part of the process.

    My own view is that we can’t complain about lack of security in one breath and then about security being rigorously applied in the next.

    27th May 2017 at 7:22 pm #155491

    I see PayPal are asking for ID as well. Its fine to provide these companies with copies of certain stuff, problem is what they do with it once they get hold of it. Its amazing now, you only have to think about something and an add for someone selling it suddenly appears on the screen in front of you. Wonder when we will reach the time, when they transmit an unbelievable urge to buy something direct to your brain?

    27th May 2017 at 8:50 pm #155501

    We’re already there, Bo, it’s been around for decades, though it’s meant to be illegal: subliminal advertising.

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