Dead laptop

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    1st March 2017 at 1:11 pm #123360

    Assuming from what I’ve just read quickly that the CMOS battery is also known as the BIOS battery?

    1st March 2017 at 1:25 pm #123363

    Yes, its a little round flat battery similar looking to a watch battery, it might have come loose. There are plenty of images on the net, and probably the odd video on YouTube.

    1st March 2017 at 2:08 pm #123375

    Blimey I’ve just read all through this post and am amazed at the knowledge you all have! I got lost floating on clouds eating some new form of chips and realising everything was a blinking nuisance! – Seriously though  you are some very clever people and I thought I was progressing with technology by learning how to download a free App on my new tablet!!!   :scratch:

    I hope you manage to get it all sorted VK with everyone’s help :yes:

    1st March 2017 at 2:41 pm #123407

    You want to get into android TV fruit, put kodi on, add a few addons and you will never go to bed.

    1st March 2017 at 2:56 pm #123417

    Yes, I’m surprised as well, I know how to switch on and buy off of Ebay, etc. BIOS and SATA :wacko:   Anyhow, one bit of advice I can give to VK is, don’t spend too much on any repairs as it won’t be long before Microsoft stop supporting 7, I’ve had to bin my beloved Vista laptop for a new Windows 10 :-(

    1st March 2017 at 3:10 pm #123420

    No time Bo. the free App I downloaded is to learn Italian and German!!! That’s enough for my grey matter without adding anything on!! Kodi? music? underwear? :scratch:

    GH the tablet I had for Christmas has Windows 10 – does this mean I’m up with the in crowd of technology? ;-)

    1st March 2017 at 3:58 pm #123441

    Well, my laptop became obsolete when I walked out of PC World  :-(    Yes, Fruity it’s the latest up to date operating system, for now ;-)

    1st March 2017 at 4:08 pm #123444

    Why didn’t you update your laptop for free Gerry, and fruit, if its Duolingo, its far far better to use the full site via laptop or PC. Win 10 is full of nasty Microsoft spyware, sends info off to Microsoft all day and all night, then gets passed on to MI6 and the CIA. Be careful what you type, don’t want to be leaving yourself open to an unwanted drone strike, or an early morning visit from a highly trained Navy Seals team. Whatever you do, don’t do a search for how to make a dirty bomb.

    1st March 2017 at 4:36 pm #123447

    While booting keep tapping the f2 button, this will bring up the BIOS menu and from that you can see what the boot order is, it’s normaly CD, HD, network. If it is this order you could try changing to HD, CD, network.
    It’s really unlikely that the CMOS battery in a laptop will move as they’re (almost) always clipped in with a spring clip “over the top”. If the date & time were working OK then the battery is probably OK as these are the first things to go, in any event you should have been getting a warning message on start up if there was an issue.
    If you want to drop the drive into my shop on the roundabout in Rostrenen I can check it for you, if it’s knackered I’ve a bunch of system pull drives.

    1st March 2017 at 4:43 pm #123450

    Bo, I would have to go from Vista to 7 then to 10, although it were a beloved laptop, it was an old Fujitsu/Siemens, so I thought **** this for a game of soldiers and put a hint out a Xmas for a new one :good:

    1st March 2017 at 4:46 pm #123453

    There’s an awfull lot of vista lappies that would seriously struggle with 10 in any case always assuming that all the drivers are even available.

    1st March 2017 at 5:23 pm #123478

    A kind offer, Barty, may well take you up on that, but what is a ‘system pull drive’?

    1st March 2017 at 5:29 pm #123481

    Win 10 wasn’t available as a free upgrade to vista licence holder’s, its pay for the upgrade. Might be cheaper to buy a new laptop. Electro depot, ten months interest free, two years guarantee, but to be honest with you, most low priced new laptops are junk, may have win 10, plenty of memory, reasonably fast processor, but basically junk. Batteries last ten minutes, chargers pack up, fans get clogged with fluff. They come preloaded with so much junk, it takes hours for them to start up. I have an old HP laptop, 2005 model, running XP bare, no programs on it that I never use. Its as quick as my new Toshiba one, vastly superior soundcard, picks up the WiFi signal a lot better than the Toshiba, only thing the Toshiba has going for it, is more memory, better video playback, and its half the weight.

    1st March 2017 at 5:35 pm #123484

    Funny you mention HP, Bo, I’ve come across this one: HP 255 G3 – 15.6″ E1 E1-6010 1.35 GHz 4 Go RAM 500 Go HDD, running Windows 8.1 64 bits, 185 euros second hand from Priceminster.

    1st March 2017 at 5:41 pm #123492

    VK at the risk of being shot down by the PC brigade, I’d take the opportunity to upgrade to a Mac, IMO a second hand Mac is still far better than a new windoze machine :)

    1st March 2017 at 5:52 pm #123495

    Just had a quick look and saw a 2007 Macbook Pro for 219 euros, en “état correct”, whatever that may mean. I thought they were considerably more expensive than PCs running Windows.

    1st March 2017 at 6:06 pm #123506

    Barty, using F2 I found it’s set to start from the HDD, changed it from ‘Normal’ to ‘Fast’ to see if that makes a difference. Also saw that the system time and date is correct, so following what you said I’m guessing it’s not the CMOS battery.

    1st March 2017 at 6:21 pm #123511

    No difference, same blank black screen with the pointer in the middle.  :-(

    1st March 2017 at 6:28 pm #123515

    It’s pointing to a failed hard drive, connection or bust motherboard.

    “System pulls” are what they sound like, 2nd hand from working systems. In this case they’re from FreeSat recording boxes of which I had a load of faulty boxes the manufacturer didn’t want back, 320GB.

    1st March 2017 at 6:31 pm #123518

    None of those three sound very positive, Bart, but at least if it’s the motherboard and not the hard drive then the contents of the hard drive should be accessible?

    And I’m really glad I bought my wife a tablet for Xmas and that she’s letting me use her laptop!

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